(1) Innate Properties
We are ALL a product of The Universe.
I.e, ‘NO-ONE’ (any human-being) can ever be regarded as its ‘potential intellectual overlord’!
The wonderful Sir Isaac Newton seemed to work within this boundary.
Whereby, modern theoretical physicists seem to work outside of this important boundary?
Therefore, we are all both physically and intellectually defined by the materials of The Universe (matter).
The Mind being through the results of neurology. Or another way of putting this - the results of electrical impulses (Electrons).
Furthermore, for the Mind to receive all sensations through these electrical impulses, means they and the rest of the the materials of the Brain (matter) must ‘POSSESS’ what I call a “neurological property”.
(2) Innate properties
Ultimately, it’s the materials of the Universe that define our perception. Whereby, modern theoretical physicist’s, give the impression it’s the exact reverse of this which can lead to irrational thinking? E.g, that they can ultimately define the materials of the Universe. (I.e, matter). Such as through their own interpretations of quantum mechanics and quantum physics for example.
Previously, I touched on ‘material properties’. The following are examples of this. -
(i) Therefore, quite simply as defined by Newton. Any size particle falling to earth must ‘POSSESS’ a gravitational property.
(iI) Furthermore, two atoms or more mutually coming together, means all atoms must ‘POSSESS’ a ‘chemical reaction property’.
(iii) To now add to these principles- All atomic components of the brain to facilitate sensation in the Mind as previously explained in the previous presentation, means all elementary atomic particles must ‘POSSESS A NEUROLOGICAL PROPERTY’!
A simple scientific summary of all the above - If matter responds, as it does in the examples above (i-iii), then it must already ‘POSSESS’ - a property to allow it to do so!
(3) The Mind. - What is The Mind ?
It’s ‘our form of consciousness’ to perceive and feel, so as to navigate our way around planet Earth and to have a ‘limited’ understanding of the Universe itself. Not as previously stated, through the approach of many Theoretical Physicists. That they seem to have an inadequacy to this approach through mainly they possess a ‘lack of humility' on their part and thinking, which can lead to some kind of ‘illogical definitive rational’ by many of these ‘speculative scientists’? Part of this navigation, process as also previously stated, is only through the “results of neurology”!
There is the argument if The Mind is a different entity to The Brain, or an ‘inherent part of its structure’ ? I am confident the Mind is a different entirety that is highly interactive with the Brain itself. Evidence of this, I will be covering in a future presentation. Moreover, for the most effective way to use One’s own Mind. i.e, is through our own personal gifts together with ‘Peace, Humility and Compassion’ towards all things Universal that includes ‘Humanity’ itself, which is an overall ‘Spiritual Approach’ to our existence. This personal attitude results in ‘True Individual Enlightenment’ throughout our own lives!
(4) ‘ULTIMATELY’, Everything Exists Only In The Mind!
The above title Includes our ‘lived experiences’ of existing in the passing of time only. That time, as we currently understand it, doesn’t exist outside of the Mind. Therefore, ageing is only a biochemical effect..
A future and detailed presentation to come on this topic alone. But as an early introduction to this above presentation, I shall now be introducing the case that there never was in the first place:- A ‘Fourth Dimension’ and hence a ‘Space-Time Continuum’. This will also confirm that any notion of ‘Time-Travel’ is a complete nonsense.
I will also present a case that there never was any ‘direct’ relationship with ‘Time And The Speed Of Light’.
Already, I have touched on the above with my definition and how neurology governs our perception. Furthermore, mainly in ‘The West’, one of the possible ‘IMBALANCES IN THE BRAIN IS OVER SELF- INDULGENCE’:- Through the Monetary System, Materialism and Academics.
Often, all three can be interactive together. This can lead to - ‘IRRATIONAL THINKING’, such as with some ‘THEORETICAL PHYSICISTS’ for example!
One of the things I strongly believe in - Arguably, as we ‘ULTIMATELY’ perceive through a neurological reaction in the Brain, then in the eyes of God (or for the atheist Mother Nature). ‘ULTIMATELY’, there are not two categories of responses in the Brain itself (I.e, mental and physical) but total interactions of all these resulting impulses in ‘THE BRAIN ONLY’. (Obviously, ‘PRIOR’ TO THIS EFFECT ONLY, there will be some impulses received by the Brain as a result of a ‘Physical reaction’)
I can now give you some evidence of the above:-
(1) During wars, sadly some victims recovering in bed from their wounds, can still feel that they have sensations in their original and healthy legs and feet, even though they have lost both legs through battle or from the resulting clinical amputations!
(2) Another example being, some people under certain circumstances, can have a ‘lived experience’ of existing elsewhere. I.e, hallucinations.