How displacement of energy and matter in The Brain ‘DIRECTLY’ affects the displacement of energy and matter outside of the Brain.

Far-ranging and many emotions produces chemical behaviour in and outside of the Brain. E.g, thoughts of violence can literally cause destruction.

However, as demonstrated through the life of Christ, thoughts of compassion will generate a response of caring towards people, which is also the Brain acting in ‘HARMONY’ with the rest of the creation (I.e, The Universe).

A very accurate way of explaining the above, and therefore, in keeping with this approach - ‘The human chain’ is as only as strong as it’s weakest links. I.E, ‘THE NEEDY’ !

So caring within the Brain results in caring outside of the Brain they are one and the same thing and also results in caring for the Universe, I.e, ‘HARMONY’.

So through iron manufacturing for just one example, the worker who ‘CARES’ about the productions of chains, will thoroughly check there are no weak links that will render the whole chain as being ineffectual. which is exactly the same (and is not an analogy) with the ‘SOCIAL CHAIN’.

As already expressed above - I.E, CARING FOR THE NEEDY! So to repeat, all the above is a universal principle that is in ‘HARMONY’ with the whole Universe, caring inside the Brain will directly affect caring outside of the Brain and hence the ‘MOST EFFECTIVE’ state of energy and matter inside the Brain (I.e, Brain Chemistry) and thus also resulting in outside of The Brain as well! Conversely, thoughts of greed, selfishness and aggression will cause ‘Damage’ outside of the Brain to civilisation and the World environment.

It’s about time ‘RELIGION’ embraced this practical way of living as expressed through the ‘LIFE OF CHRIST’! There is no way round this by trying to fit it into a political, economical and religious ideology, as this approach completely stands-up on its own!

No doubt, those who closely support the idea of massive individual monetary and material wealth will want to discount all of this approach. But I believe Christ’s message to them would be similar to that indicated in ‘The New Testament’ - “You can run, but there’s nowhere to hide. I.e, you either believe my whole life example encompasses everything, including the monetary system, or you don’t believe in me at all, and hence in ‘THE EXISTENCE OF THE TRUE HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE ITSELF!”

As indicated and articulated throughout all of the above there is no way round these Universal principles that puts civilisation in ‘HARMONY’ with the entire Universe  This is now the only option available to the whole of civilisation, the environment and the long-term survival of The human race.

Furthermore, the above is evidence that every moment of the day - ‘OUR THOUGHTS ARE DIRECT’ operators to humanity and the environment. This also supersedes the politics and the principles of all those who love money and materialism, thus putting these values ahead of this and practically anything else - Therefore, ‘A CARING ECONOMY IS A COHESIVE ECONOMY’. (I.E, ‘IN HARMONY’ with The Universe. As comprehensively explained in all of the above.


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