The following is divided into three perspectives-
(1) Space Travel (2) Colonising the likes of Mars. (3) Humanity itself.
(1) It is already understood, space travel has caused many considerable health problems. Mainly as we have evolved for millions of years on Planet Earth, that our planet’s gravity is highly important for the development of our health and wellbeing. I’ve actually read competent evaluation of this fact by scientists.
(2) With a planet approximately 1/10th the mass of Earth, it may appear this would be a less of a strenuous effect of existing there. But in reference to (1) again, the lack of the total strength of Earth’s gravity, will still, be it possibly more of a gradual effect, will lead to similar problems as stated in (1). The fact that scientist’s may make the atmosphere conducive on Mars as an example for human habitation, this will be superseded by these problems stated.
No doubt a space astronaut will be health tested before and after back to Earth. But can this act as a definitive guide to the heath of civilisation after many years on Mars? This is without already considering the concerns alluded to in (1) above.
Even on planet Earth, there are still not health tests invented to measure some health issues here that could arise, let alone the potential health issues that could arise on habitating another planet such as Mars, especially after a number of years of existing there.
E.g, British marathon champion Paula Radcliffe, once ‘broke-down’ and came to a halt during such a race. She claimed she didn’t understand why, as all her many professional health tests, indicated she was fine. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is another example.
(3) With our own environmental problems, including millions of people in desperate need, and mainly in The Developing World -This being due to the likes of starvation, poverty, disease, disability. Including the historic and the mainly barbaric human race trying to solve disputes through warfare, often leading to - So much misery, caused to the many, by the few.
Therefore, I believe it’s time to abandon all exploration of space by astronauts or uncrewed, and to spend the money on alleviating all the aforementioned problems here.
The only space projects I support, are the likes of satellites and complex defence systems that could re-direct asteroids away before they impacted with the surface of the Earth, etc.
I find it absolutely alarming that around 70 million Indian’s live in abject poverty, and yet India has now committed itself to space projects. Searching for kudos doesn’t save lives.
Other disturbing instances of this, where certain ‘comfortable Countries’ are fully committed to space projects, and just for another example - There are over 88 million people in Nigeria who live in extreme poverty. This is rather a significant concern for me, as even though I’m a pale looking Englishman, l have some Nigerian heritage, most probably dating back to the Roman Conquest of Britain. As both sides of my family come from long distances away from ‘The Slave Port’ of Bristol. (Between 100-170 miles) and I always have lived not that far, from where it is assumed the Romans landed. Romans never conquered Nigeria but Roman coins have been unearthed there. Moreover, I have some North African heritage and the Roman’s definitely recruited from that part of the region. There are other examples, that adds to my personal mixed international heritage.
All mine and everyone’s own heritage examples, also gives rise to what should be a priority of “The Kinship Of The Human Race”
Therefore, instead of trying to assess the impossible, what could exist in the outer regions of The Universe, including more futile trips to the Moon, all our concentration should be on the desperate needs of people on Mother Earth, including the environment.
To you all who think I’m going off-key, or using this subject as a political and moral rant? I’m sorry to disappoint you all, I will never agree with you if this is your only approach:-
Any criticisms of my overall considerations towards humanity, could reek of someone who is already comfortable, over self-indulgent in academics and thinks it’s acceptable wasting Billions of dollars. This in supposedly on the importance of learning more about a relativity small amount of knowledge about the formation of the Universe. In any case, there will already be a degree of subjectivity, and this allows an universal display (pun not intended) of the comfortable boffin’s ‘singing their own praises in public’ and even arguing among themselves. Furthermore, for some, this will no doubt fill their own coffers more by writing books, going on the lecture circuit and broadcasting, etc.
Here I must remind everyone yet again-“We Are All Products Of The Universe And No Human Being Is Its Overlord”!
Consequently, this notion includes all Professors and Doctors of all sciences that evaluate their own subjects. I’m highly disappointed that I’m yet to observe, the likes of any of the above stated, who have had the humility to acknowledge this fact. What it seems is not understood by these professionals. - “Humility” is actually an important stimulant of the intellect! Regarding this aspect within myself, in my verse below, I’ve recognised there are powers and an understanding of this Universe that will always be beyond my comprehension.
U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once stated - “You can’t un-invent things”.
Obviously true, but there is still choices to be made. At this rate, it could be this planet might become unfit for human habitation, and then subsequently too late, to have realised most space projects should have long been abandoned.
Extremely rich people, who are forever accumulating more wealth as their main priority, should remember, it will be their offspring that will be left behind, to the possibility of coping with a decayed environment that could be irreversible.
Surely we know by now, enough about the Universe. Its been estimated that the Universe has 200 Billion Trillion Stars. But the biggest astoundment here for me, apparently it has been estimated that out Solar System is one of the rarer ones, as it contains eight planets.
To that end, for myself, by far the greatest wonderment of the Universe, ‘is right under our very own noses’ -
“Our own Solar System, is the most incredible feat of Mechanical Engineering. There is absolutely nothing to match this wonderful phenomenon on planet Earth!”
So it’s about time we preserved Earth in its Intended role in our own Solar System. Of which, I’ve explained its purpose in full above. I.e, to the benefit of our environment and for all humanity!
I hope you will all see, the following verse as a form of my “CONCLUSIONS” to all the above:-
(From the commendable position, of those who choose to be ‘compassionate atheists’, that I find just as creditable as the ‘compassionate Believer’*, so in their cases, please substitute “Nature” for “God” and “Those old evolutionary rules”-
substitute for “Those 2,000 year old rules”).
Money should be there, to share what we have got,
But due to Man’s greed, ‘the tail now wags the dog’.
It’s God who gave us science, and man created money,
But it’s we who put our values first, and the results aren’t “milk and honey”.
Those 2,000 year old rules, have been shown for to us to do,
But it’s ’market values’ that rule, at the expense of me and you.
From a Politically Correct perspective - the use of “Man” here is correct. As overwhelmingly, it has historically been mainly men who have governed by, and including encouraging greed & selfishness to others. With Government’s often resorting to violence to secure this position and supposedly resolve disputes.
The poem above can be adapted for those who are compassionate in all faiths.