For those who peruse this website with courteous consideration, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your time and interest.

However, I must recount an unfortunate incident involving an inappropriate email, an experience I have already undergone. An unsolicited communication from an American Psychologist was delivered insensitively, bordering on bullying. The entirety of its content accused my website of being characterized by "misguided enthusiasm," and regrettably, the sender chose not to grant me the right of reply. It is evident that our professional working ethics differ significantly. I fail to comprehend how a psychologist deems himself qualified to critique a website primarily dedicated to scientific information.

Furthermore, in the United Kingdom, our National Health Service (NHS) upholds specific medical ethics. A comprehensive assessment of one's mental state is to be conducted through a surgical consultation between the psychotherapist and the patient, followed by the issuance of a report to the patient's General Practitioner (GP). Any deviation from these established steps, such as the psychologist's approach towards me, would undoubtedly result in disciplinary procedures.

As a British citizen permanently residing in England, I find his approach entirely foreign, and I categorically reject the validity of his email. It is imperative that he respects the established procedures and acknowledges my personal situation.

I must emphasize that my current mental and physical health status has been deemed healthy by my GP, and no specialist examination has been recommended.

Having moved on from this situation, I declare unequivocally, "I have now absolutely no desire to communicate with him or the likes of his kind." In light of the aforementioned example, I have implemented a system where all incoming emails are intercepted, and any deemed insensitive are automatically discarded without my awareness of the sender or contents. This includes individuals who have previously made derogatory remarks towards me.


M.E. Thorpe.

New Paragraph

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